Friday, February 2, 2018

273 Below: A Brief History of Ashaelyn Velynaria

"My people were noble and proud people.
Taken in by the Horde, when there was no where else to go, we fought along side them.
We stood united, joining under union of those who - like us - had no place in this world, and no where else to turn.

My people knew of being abandoned, cut from our allies at a moments notice.
I fought for my place among them, I've proven my dedication and loyalty to them, but remained alienated among them.

Now they back peddle on the ideologies that unified us. - Those of us who experimented with the void used it to help our people fend off the greatest threats that came to the world, now have become outcasts. We were seen as a risk - despite those fel users, who hail demons to this world, still being tolerated by our brethren and accepted around our valuable Sunwell."

Once a proud Sin'dorei, Ashaelyn had joined the Horde alongside her people.
Joining them in the fight against the Burning Legion on the shattered ruins of Draenor, Ashaelyn provided schematics and an assortment of mechanical goods to their army - hoping to prove her worth during the Outlands campaign.

Since childhood, Ashaelyn had shown herself to be creative, having an aptitude towards producing her own goods.

Hoping to become a more active role on the front lines, Ashaelyn had studied the art of Enchanting, hoping to imbue her Engineered goods, and potentially weapons to further aid the Horde.
Traveling to Netherstorm in pursuit of becoming versed in all forms of magic, she have taken an interest on on Nether based magics, finding solace in learning from a lone Ethereal.

Finding herself not fitting into the Horde as a whole, due to their more primal nature, and being somewhat of an outcast by most of her people due to her own tomboyish interests, she had found herself lost.

She continued to fight alongside the Horde through the campaign into Northrend. Fighting the masses of undead, and witnessing the countless cassualties had seemed to leave her with an emptiness inside of her, further pushing her into isolation from the very few who she held close to her.

Ashaelyn had continued to aid the Horde, up until recently - where she had witnessed the now void-weilding Alleria expelled from the Sunwell and Quel'thalas.
Shocked at her role model being dispelled, Ashaelyn had let the void consume her; choosing to follow Alleria and aid the Alliance.

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